Successful People…..

Some people are successful while others aren’t. When we look at successful people, we understand that they look at things differently. And that makes all the difference. If we change our perspectives then we can be successful too. Wishing you success in all your endeavors! Happy Learning!Happy Succeeding! #Successfulpeople #gogetters #inspiration #kkrocks

What inspires me?

Bold ideas, empowering people, democratising the opportunities for everyone, having no biases, making everyone achieve are some of the things that inspire me. Working against odds gives me the adrenaline rush and pumps blood into my nerves. What seems impossible suddenly becomes possible. When someone says “you can’t do it”, I am inspired. That’s when … Read more

Thoughts to keep up your momentum in the new year!

Start always small howsoever big the dream is. Always be helpful to your customers. Start your day early, as early as 5 am every single working day. Take up Projects but complete all those you take. Under commit. Over deliver. Always surprise your customers. Always. Have your own style in every single thing you do. … Read more

Never Give up and other Tips!

Never Give up. That’s what differentiates an achiever. Keep Prospecting. You need new customers. Regularly meet your existing customers. You need them more than they need you. Keep solving problems. One at a time. First, pretend being busy then actually get busy. Get recharged when your batteries are down. Eat good food. Take sufficient rest. … Read more

How to develop a sense of urgency and achieve more in less time

Your prospects are not in a great hurry. At least not most of them. They seem to be quite happy with the Status Quo. But don’t you know that enthusiasm is contagious. And if you pack energy and sense of urgency into your action, they are bound to match your speed and energy. So, let … Read more

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