Strategic Partnerships: Expanding Your SaaS Reach through Collaborations

In the dynamic world of Software as a Service (SaaS), where innovation drives success, one key strategy stands out: forging strategic partnerships. These collaborations have emerged as a powerful tool to propel SaaS companies to new heights of growth and customer engagement. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the ins and outs of strategic … Read more

Why Your SaaS Business Needs a Multichannel Marketing Strategy

In today’s digital age, a SaaS business needs a multichannel marketing strategy to stand out from its competition. The traditional approach of relying solely on one or two channels to reach out to customers is no longer enough. Instead, a more comprehensive approach is needed to create a broader reach and connect with customers where … Read more

The strategy used by a competitor….

My competitor sold more than I did. Do you know why? In the initial days of my sales career, I sold antivirus software. For a year, we had product specialization at our company. I specialized on AV. [That was not my choice but my manager’s.] The whole market was mine to take. No account restrictions. … Read more

An Underdog’s strategy!

Have you ever seen a business welcoming its competition, much less with folded hands? When IKEA entered India during Aug 2018, online furniture retailer Urban Ladder did just that. “Namaste @IKEAIndia Welcome to India,” tweeted Urban Ladder along with a gif of its staff welcoming the furnishings giant with folded hands, reported DNA India then. … Read more

Why do you find Pizza Hut next to Domino’s?

We went shopping. Our son, who is 12 years old, noticed something during the trip. Once we got back home, he asked: Why Domino’s & Pizza Hut are next to each other everywhere? That’s a good observation, I told him. This is called as #NashEquilibrium named after the mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr. In game … Read more

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