How to get 1000 likes & 100 comments?

How to get 1000 likes and 100 comments in a matter of 4 hours, on LinkedIn: Post, Some crap with a photo. Something that has no proof or no way of checking if it’s true. Cat photos, preferably GIF. Talk about stuff that’s hard to believe. Kindle emotions of people. Something that went viral few … Read more

LinkedIn Char limit for Posts!

Did you know this? Some changes in LinkedIn Posts. It is not anymore 1300 character limit for Posts. You now have 3000 characters to play around with. What a relief. I had to express with less words so far. I had to look for words / sentence construction in such a way that I express … Read more

Some quick tips for using LinkedIn well!

I am not a LinkedIn expert. But from following people who are experts, I understand that these are the steps to do well on LinkedIn: Be sociable. Build trust. Ask, how can I help you? Sell, only when the buyer reaches out to you. Be consistent on value addition on the platform. Share your comments … Read more

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