Top 15 Sales Techniques Every Entrepreneur Should Master: A Comprehensive Guide

This guide elaborates on 15 key sales techniques for entrepreneurs: building customer relationships, active listening, addressing pain points, emphasizing benefits over features, creating urgency, handling objections, utilizing social proof, mastering negotiation, persistent follow-up, delivering exceptional service, offering customized solutions, continuous learning, embracing rejection, leveraging technology, and maintaining persistence. Successful selling involves building trust, adding value, and positively impacting customers for startup growth.

The Hustle of a Startup: Tales from a Small Business Owner

Introduction As a small business owner, the hustle is real. Starting your own company is an exhilarating rollercoaster ride filled with ups, downs, twists, and turns. It’s a journey that tests your resilience, challenges your limits, and ultimately shapes you into a stronger, more determined version of yourself. This is not the first time I … Read more

My expectations from LinkedIn!

I am sure you have seen the crying CEO’s post on LinkedIn and also the sarcastic post that followed it. Both the posts are not a fit for LinkedIn. That’s my personal view. I have high expectations from LinkedIn. I see it as a place where I can get: fresh ideas for starting up leadership … Read more

Two things you need to start a business!

The lesser you know the lesser your fear! To start anything you only need two things: 1. Courage & 2. Passion for the game that you want to play Everything else can be learned or earned or borrowed or hired as you go along. What do you think? Say in the comments. #startingup #business #idea … Read more

eCommerce startup idea!

I think about business ideas all the time. Suddenly, I had an idea. It was an eCommerce startup idea! At that time, there was only one eCommerce company in India. eCommerce startup idea was new then and one needed a lot of courage to venture into that. I decided to do something about it. Then … Read more

Entrepreneurship & value creation!

Entrepreneurship & value creation are two things that help you live your life to the fullest. It is nothing but pure magic. If you deliver value and if some people are willing to pay for it, your happiness knows no bounds. Not because you are making money. But because it is being valued. Wealth creation … Read more

New entrant in the Unicorn club!

Another Indian company enters the Unicorn club. Cars24, the preowned marketplace for vehicles has raised $200 million in a Series E funding with a valuation of over $1 billion. An Editor at a media company writes:“One more member in India’s unicorns club. Entrepreneurship is alive and well.” Vikram Chopra, Co-founder & CEO, Cars24 writes:“Incredible, but … Read more

Ideas are nothing, it’s the execution that matters!

That was a time, a friend of mine & I were deeply engrossed in discussions on what to start. I was running a small Professional IT Services firm & he was employed with an IT major then. We met during the weekends and spoke about everything under the sun. We kept our eyes and ears … Read more

America, August, Apple, Amazon – A’s & the Aces!

You must have read the news, I am sure. Apple became the first $ 1 Trillion company in terms of market valuation in August this year, followed by Amazon, the second $ 1 Trillion company. What makes Apple & Amazon tick? One thing I am sure, they are focused on Customer Experience & making lives … Read more

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