Personalizing your emails!

Known Universe. In Marketing/Sales, it simply refers to a database of companies. When you start building your list, you normally start off with this database. Let’s call them suspects. Next, you target a subset of customers in this list. You narrow down by location or Industry [Manufacturing, Retail, Banking, Software & what not] or Revenue. … Read more

How to write good emails?

I am a great fan of emails. Even after whatsapp, messenger, skype etc, email still holds its place in this era of instant communication. But do we really know how to write an email? How to write an email that sparks interest in the reader’s mind to know more about you, your company, your products … Read more

How not to communicate…

Well, I am a great fan of emails. After the invention of wheels, I consider email application as the greatest invention. Even after whatsapp, messenger, skype etc, email still holds its place in this era of instant communication. But do we really know how to write an email? How to write an email that sparks … Read more

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