10 Strategies for Improving Customer Retention Rates

Discover the top 10 strategies for improving your customer retention rates and watch your business grow! With these proven methods, you can keep your customers coming back and ensure long-lasting relationships. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to boost your bottom line and create a loyal customer base. Try these strategies today and see the difference it makes!

“The Art of Collecting Customer Feedback: A Step-by-Step Guide”

The Art of Collecting Customer Feedback: An Introduction The Art of Collecting Customer Feedback has to be mastered to thrive in these competitive times. Oftentimes, we find that sellers do not care about their customers. They get in touch with their customers only when they want to sell again. This is the reason why mastering … Read more

The Power of Customer Advocacy: Turning Satisfied Customers into Brand Ambassadors

My prospects trusted my tech support people more than they trusted me. I am being brutally honest here. The tech support guys were not into Sales. But in the future, they have to work with the clients and support them. They have to meet them often. So, they can’t bluff. Hence, customers trusted them more … Read more

How to resolve issues & make them happy?

I attended a masterclass last evening. The learnings are for a lifetime. Here’s the deal: Never speak when your customer speaks. It’s rude/impolite & doesn’t serve any purpose. Watch your tone when you speak. Don’t assume things. Don’t ever say that you understand their problems when you have firmed up your mind not to resolve … Read more

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