The Dos and Don’ts of Cold Calling for Sales Success!

Cold calling can be a daunting task, but it’s an effective way to generate new leads and close sales. Here are some dos and don’ts to make your cold calling efforts successful: Dos: Don’ts: In conclusion, cold calling can be an effective way to generate leads and close sales if done correctly. By following these … Read more

Cold emails – words & phrases…

In my first job, I sold software. There was no marketing team. So, we had to generate our own leads. We had a database of companies and decision-makers in MS Access. We used the mail merge feature in MS Word and printed letters to be sent to all of them. No personalization. Except for the … Read more

Love marriage & Arranged marriage!

What’s the difference between Love marriage & Arranged marriage? Let us see this and find out how it is relevant to Sales situations. Keep that thought at the back of your mind & we will come back to that soon. Let’s now discuss some serious stuff in Sales. After thinking deeply, I formed my ideal … Read more

How not to write emails!

Can you believe this? I just received an email from someone. [Fortunately, it was identified as SPAM and was in the spam folder.] It read something like this: “ Hi Scraped Apac, Wanted to check in again and see if you had any further interest in exploring your current online presence. Happy to pull together … Read more

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