Brands, Brand Recall, Re-branding!

Let’s see how much you know about Brands. What’s common among these brands? BNatural HomeLites Savlon Mangaldeep Candyman Mint-o Fabelle Sunbean Farmland Sunrise If you didn’t crack it, I am sure you will crack it with the following clue: There is some connection between the following brands and the brands mentioned above: Yippee Noodles Bingo! … Read more

My favourite apps are getting acquired!

The latest in this list is Bigbasket. They got bought over by Tata. Last month, Urban Ladder was bought over by Reliance. Slack was bought by Salesforce for $ 27.7 Bn. Slideshare was bought long time ago by LinkedIn. And, LinkedIn was then bought over by Microsoft. “Taxi For Sure” was acquired long ago by … Read more

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