How to resolve issues & make them happy?

I attended a masterclass last evening. The learnings are for a lifetime. Here’s the deal: Never speak when your customer speaks. It’s rude/impolite & doesn’t serve any purpose. Watch your tone when you speak. Don’t assume things. Don’t ever say that you understand their problems when you have firmed up your mind not to resolve … Read more

Prime Day Sale & Big Saving Days!

I am sure you know about the upcoming Prime Day Sale & Big Saving Days. I had earlier written a post about why competitors are found next to each other or why do they have a sale around the same time. In case you missed that post, here is the link: But in this post, … Read more

What makes a content, good?

I understand the difficulties involved in creating good content. Here are some tips for creating good content – be it a blog post / a podcast / a video: Be objective. Keep it short & to the point. Stay on course. Narrate stories. Use humour. Engage audience. Connect with them. Be human. Some errors are … Read more

Narrow the focus!

A delicatessen or deli is a retail establishment that sells a selection of fine, unusual, or foreign prepared foods. Delicatessen originated in Germany during the 18th century & spread to the US in the mid-19th century. [Wikipedia] 17 year old Frederick Adrian DeLuca borrowed $1,000 from family friend Dr. Peter Buck during the year 1965 … Read more

Cold call by an Edu Tech Co.,

I received a call from an education technology company recently. The lady who called said that she is calling from an xyz company. She then went on to say that we had made an inquiry regarding their coding classes. I said “we didn’t”. She insisted we did and asked me to check. I patiently told … Read more

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