Some quick tips for using LinkedIn well!

I am not a LinkedIn expert. But from following people who are experts, I understand that these are the steps to do well on LinkedIn: Be sociable. Build trust. Ask, how can I help you? Sell, only when the buyer reaches out to you. Be consistent on value addition on the platform. Share your comments … Read more

What makes a content, good?

I understand the difficulties involved in creating good content. Here are some tips for creating good content – be it a blog post / a podcast / a video: Be objective. Keep it short & to the point. Stay on course. Narrate stories. Use humour. Engage audience. Connect with them. Be human. Some errors are … Read more

Narrow the focus!

A delicatessen or deli is a retail establishment that sells a selection of fine, unusual, or foreign prepared foods. Delicatessen originated in Germany during the 18th century & spread to the US in the mid-19th century. [Wikipedia] 17 year old Frederick Adrian DeLuca borrowed $1,000 from family friend Dr. Peter Buck during the year 1965 … Read more

Startups know how to use time wisely!

3:55 pm is your appointment. Be specific. Ms.Jules has another meeting at 4 pm. That was a scene from the movie “The Intern”. The movie captures the #startup scene quite well. Among all that, The #speed with which the entire team operates, The founder getting into customer service calls, The founder taking special efforts to … Read more

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