Recently funded startups

There is gloom all over. Markets are down. SaaS is down. Right? But there’s some good news. The following startups have recently raised Series A / B / C / D funding: UAE recruiting platform Ogram PayEngine Singapore based metaverse startup BUD Chainalysis Jaipur startup WoodenStreet Health-tech startup Medznmore Healthcare + BNPL startup Walnut [hellowalnut] … Read more

My favourite apps are getting acquired!

The latest in this list is Bigbasket. They got bought over by Tata. Last month, Urban Ladder was bought over by Reliance. Slack was bought by Salesforce for $ 27.7 Bn. Slideshare was bought long time ago by LinkedIn. And, LinkedIn was then bought over by Microsoft. “Taxi For Sure” was acquired long ago by … Read more

VC 101 – A Primer on Seeking Funds for your Business!

For the Budding Entrepreneurs out there: In any Industry there are both Good and Not So Good Players. And Funding Companies/Investors/VCs Community are not an exception. You should know to separate the wheat from the chaff. I am saying this from my own recent personal experience. Ideas are Important. Without ideas, money can get nowhere. … Read more

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