Where do you find great professional advice?

Everyone goes to someone for advice. When it comes to Professional advice, normally we go to our senior colleagues or someone well respected in the Industry or a client for whom we have lot of respect & admiration. Yes or No? Now, we get all these people at one place: LinkedIn. I am connected with … Read more

Entrepreneurship & value creation!

Entrepreneurship & value creation are two things that help you live your life to the fullest. It is nothing but pure magic. If you deliver value and if some people are willing to pay for it, your happiness knows no bounds. Not because you are making money. But because it is being valued. Wealth creation … Read more

What makes a content, good?

I understand the difficulties involved in creating good content. Here are some tips for creating good content – be it a blog post / a podcast / a video: Be objective. Keep it short & to the point. Stay on course. Narrate stories. Use humour. Engage audience. Connect with them. Be human. Some errors are … Read more

Perspective in Sales!

#Perspective roughly means “a feeling or opinion about something or someone” according to the dictionary. In other words, it’s a viewpoint or standpoint. It has something to do with a person’s cultural background, age, qualification, experience etc. Now, what is perspective in #sales? It is the seller’s point of view. According to a 2018 #CSO … Read more

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