Re-write rules!

I had to convince my client a lot to shortlist my candidate for an interview. The recruiter at my client organization told me that the current employer of my candidate is not a big company. I said we aren’t looking at recruiting the company. Finally, he agreed to give my guy a chance. I am … Read more

Aamchi Mumbai!

I was greeted by four commandos with AK47 when I got down from the taxi @ Bandra East, Mumbai. What a privilege, isn’t it? I was transferred from Chennai to Mumbai and that was my first visit to the city. After 24 hours of travel from Chennai, got down at the Railway Station in the … Read more

Keep hustling!

I am working out of a fish market these days. Let me explain. This online schooling is taking a toll on me. We converted one of our bedrooms in our apartment into a studio & I work out of it. That’s where my son, who is in 7th grade, also attends his classes online using … Read more

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