Crafting Captivating Copy: The Art and Science of Copywriting

Welcome to essential copywriting for startups. Effective copywriting engages, conveys value, and drives conversions, requiring a deep understanding of the audience and psychological triggers. Startups must focus on benefits over features, embrace simplicity, harness storytelling, and continually test and refine their copy. Through SEO best practices and expert help, captivating copy can lead to significant growth. Happy creating and selling!

Two things you need to start a business!

The lesser you know the lesser your fear! To start anything you only need two things: 1. Courage & 2. Passion for the game that you want to play Everything else can be learned or earned or borrowed or hired as you go along. What do you think? Say in the comments. #startingup #business #idea … Read more

Problem-solving can lead to an idea!

Problem-solving can actually lead us to something bigger. That could help us come up with a great business idea! Problem-solving can potentially become a genesis for something brilliant! What problems are you facing right now? I read in a blog post by Paul Graham that Steve Wozniak wanted a computer and Apple was born. Google … Read more

What’s your Social Selling Index [SSI]?

Before I get to that, in today’s world, you exist only if you are in #Instagram, #LinkedIn, #Facebook etc. Right / Wrong? Couple of things to do: Post regularly on your subject matter. Share other people’s insightful posts. [like this one :)] Like & Share valuable comments on other’s posts. [I encourage you to start … Read more

Startups know how to use time wisely!

3:55 pm is your appointment. Be specific. Ms.Jules has another meeting at 4 pm. That was a scene from the movie “The Intern”. The movie captures the #startup scene quite well. Among all that, The #speed with which the entire team operates, The founder getting into customer service calls, The founder taking special efforts to … Read more

Create Content else Curate Content!!

Today Customers are better informed than the Sales people themselves. They do all the homework before calling you for a discussion. Content is King, as they say. And Marketing is the new Sales. Though it can never replace Sales, Digital Marketing & Inbound marketing is a given. And businesses need to invest in it. So, … Read more

VC 101 – A Primer on Seeking Funds for your Business!

For the Budding Entrepreneurs out there: In any Industry there are both Good and Not So Good Players. And Funding Companies/Investors/VCs Community are not an exception. You should know to separate the wheat from the chaff. I am saying this from my own recent personal experience. Ideas are Important. Without ideas, money can get nowhere. … Read more

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