Startup acquisition!

I was interested in watching a particular movie on Prime video. Do you know why? The only reason was that it was about starting a business & scaling it up like crazy. Moreover, it was a true story. As usual, I checked the IMDb rating [not that I am a fan of imdb]. But I … Read more

eCommerce startup idea!

I think about business ideas all the time. Suddenly, I had an idea. It was an eCommerce startup idea! At that time, there was only one eCommerce company in India. eCommerce startup idea was new then and one needed a lot of courage to venture into that. I decided to do something about it. Then … Read more

Entrepreneurship & value creation!

Entrepreneurship & value creation are two things that help you live your life to the fullest. It is nothing but pure magic. If you deliver value and if some people are willing to pay for it, your happiness knows no bounds. Not because you are making money. But because it is being valued. Wealth creation … Read more

Inspirational Quotes!

“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.” – Anonymous. “Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.” – Rumi. “The only limits you see are the ones you impose on yourself.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer “If your life’s work can be accomplished in your … Read more

How to get 1000 likes & 100 comments?

How to get 1000 likes and 100 comments in a matter of 4 hours, on LinkedIn: Post, Some crap with a photo. Something that has no proof or no way of checking if it’s true. Cat photos, preferably GIF. Talk about stuff that’s hard to believe. Kindle emotions of people. Something that went viral few … Read more

Ideas are nothing, it’s the execution that matters!

That was a time, a friend of mine & I were deeply engrossed in discussions on what to start. I was running a small Professional IT Services firm & he was employed with an IT major then. We met during the weekends and spoke about everything under the sun. We kept our eyes and ears … Read more

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