5 Key Metrics Every Small Business Owner Should Track Regularly

In this post, we’ll discuss the 5 key metrics every small business owner should track regularly to stay ahead of the game. You can make informed decisions that drive growth and success by focusing on the right metrics.

How to use Marketing Analytics to grow your Business?

Introduction: How to use Marketing Analytics to grow your business? In this post, let’s uncover that. The following tips can be quite helpful when it comes to effectively using analytics for marketing decisions. Let’s explore some valuable insights and considerations to enhance your analytics approach: 1. Segmentation and Persona Analysis Keywords: Segmentation, Buyer Personas Consider … Read more

Marketing Analytics Demystified: Making Data-Driven Decisions

Introduction: In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires more than just intuition and guesswork. It’s all about making informed decisions backed by data, and that’s where marketing analytics steps in. In this blog post, we’ll demystify marketing analytics and show you how to harness its power to make data-driven decisions that … Read more

Unscrupulous practices & useless contracts!

That was one of the big IT Companies in India. People there had devised unscrupulous & unfair trade practices. This story dates back to 2003-04 times. That was the time I had just started my business. I was into pure play IT Consulting. But it didn’t take off. Some clients asked me if I can … Read more

My favourite apps are getting acquired!

The latest in this list is Bigbasket. They got bought over by Tata. Last month, Urban Ladder was bought over by Reliance. Slack was bought by Salesforce for $ 27.7 Bn. Slideshare was bought long time ago by LinkedIn. And, LinkedIn was then bought over by Microsoft. “Taxi For Sure” was acquired long ago by … Read more

Perspective in Sales!

#Perspective roughly means “a feeling or opinion about something or someone” according to the dictionary. In other words, it’s a viewpoint or standpoint. It has something to do with a person’s cultural background, age, qualification, experience etc. Now, what is perspective in #sales? It is the seller’s point of view. According to a 2018 #CSO … Read more

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