Top 10 job skills of tomorrow!

Let’s take a look at how these 10 job skills translate to roles in the job market. World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report says 50% of all employees will need reskilling by 2025. 2022 Skills Outlook – by World Economic Forum: Analytical thinking and innovation Active learning and learning strategies Creativity, originality, and initiative … Read more

Recently funded startups

There is gloom all over. Markets are down. SaaS is down. Right? But there’s some good news. The following startups have recently raised Series A / B / C / D funding: UAE recruiting platform Ogram PayEngine Singapore based metaverse startup BUD Chainalysis Jaipur startup WoodenStreet Health-tech startup Medznmore Healthcare + BNPL startup Walnut [hellowalnut] … Read more

Empathy in Sales!

Empathy in Sales can help you build strong relationships with your clients. If there is an issue, you should ask them: “what’s going on?”, to understand. Clients do have bad days at times. But having empathy in sales will help you solve the issues for your clients. Read this story to find out how I … Read more

War for Talent! Hiring Frenzy!

Hiring Frenzy refers to the madness in hiring, as the name suggests. The war for talent is real. As a result, every company small or big is clamoring for their share of the talent like it’s a war! Acquiring talent is not sufficient. You need to retain talent as well. That’s the challenge in the … Read more

How to use a spreadsheet as a CRM tool?

My Singapore days. Those were the golden days. It was tough, but I learned the ropes quickly, enjoyed it, grew the business and earned a good name from the only client I was handling then. I learnt quite a few things in such a short time frame. I was up to speed in no time. … Read more

Steve Jobs’ Pirates Metaphor!

In Jan 1983, Steve Jobs along with Apple employees were at an off-site retreat in Carmel, California. Jobs, to motivate the developers. He offered a maxim: “It’s better to be a pirate than join the navy”. “Being a pirate meant being audacious and courageous, willing to take considerable risks for greater rewards.” The group was … Read more

How I landed my first job…

That was 1992. Landed up in Chennai after my Engg graduation. Took up a Scholarship exam conducted by NIIT. Those days, if you were not studying at NIIT, you were missing something. Got 50% scholarship for 1 year course. Paying them back with this post now. 🙂 NIIT didn’t sell software courses then. They sold … Read more

My advice to a Job Seeker!!

Recently received a connection request on LinkedIn. He wanted help with his job search. My response: Hi, There are a number of companies that are hiring SAP BW. A sample list: Fractal, SAP, CGI, Infosys, IBM, Intel, Siemens Healthineers, CapGemini, Novo Nordisk, Atos Syntel & Bosch are looking at hiring people like you. I moved … Read more

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