Embrace AI’s Boundless Opportunities: Follow These Influencers for a Futuristic Journey! ????”

Are you curious about the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? ???? Want to explore opportunities in this fast-growing field without getting overwhelmed? How to get started in AI: Here are some simple steps to take your first leap into the AI universe and make an impact! ???? 1. Start with the Basics: No need … Read more

Why Customer Experience is the New Marketing Currency

Customer Experience is the New Marketing Currency. How to enhance Customer Experience and retain customers forever? Conclusion: In conclusion, prioritizing customer experience as the new marketing currency is a surefire way to build a thriving business. By adopting a customer-centric approach, tailoring marketing efforts to meet their needs, and consistently delivering outstanding experiences, brands can … Read more

The Art of Storytelling: How to Engage Your Audience!

Storytelling is an art. Before we learn how to engage your audience using storytelling let us understand why Storytelling is important. When we meet our clients, we can probably use Storytelling to pique their curiosity. As human beings, we are wired to connect with stories. We love stories. From the tales our parents told us … Read more

Where do you find great professional advice?

Everyone goes to someone for advice. When it comes to Professional advice, normally we go to our senior colleagues or someone well respected in the Industry or a client for whom we have lot of respect & admiration. Yes or No? Now, we get all these people at one place: LinkedIn. I am connected with … Read more

Learning never stops!

My childhood & schooling were all in small towns. But when I started working, I found myself in a city that was [and is] a capital of a state. A few months into the job, I was told to get my own bike. If you are in sales, you need to have one. And you … Read more

Startups that got funded recently!

Lumafield Beco HealthMatch CertifyOS Anveshan Mojocare [Bangalore] Dryad Rusk Media VTS Octiv Some startups that got funded recently! Celebration time! If your idea is good then you will get funds even if the market is not doing well. Getting funded in uncertain times is a sign or an indication. You may want to think about: … Read more

My expectations from LinkedIn!

I am sure you have seen the crying CEO’s post on LinkedIn and also the sarcastic post that followed it. Both the posts are not a fit for LinkedIn. That’s my personal view. I have high expectations from LinkedIn. I see it as a place where I can get: fresh ideas for starting up leadership … Read more

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