How to be productive while working remotely?

How many tabs do you have open in your Chrome browser? nested questions: how many windows of chrome? How many tabs & windows are open in Firefox? apps? The more you have, the less productive it becomes! They eat away the mind share & the focus gets lost. The solution: Create a To Do list … Read more

To-Do list!

To-Do List helps us manage our pending tasks. It provides the much-needed focus. The to-Do list provides the attention the tasks deserve. Therefore, the To-Do list helps us improve our productivity and help us succeed in achieving our goals. I use a to-do list to manage my tasks. Many years ago, I managed my to-do … Read more

Narrow the focus!

A delicatessen or deli is a retail establishment that sells a selection of fine, unusual, or foreign prepared foods. Delicatessen originated in Germany during the 18th century & spread to the US in the mid-19th century. [Wikipedia] 17 year old Frederick Adrian DeLuca borrowed $1,000 from family friend Dr. Peter Buck during the year 1965 … Read more

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