“The Art of Collecting Customer Feedback: A Step-by-Step Guide”

The Art of Collecting Customer Feedback: An Introduction The Art of Collecting Customer Feedback has to be mastered to thrive in these competitive times. Oftentimes, we find that sellers do not care about their customers. They get in touch with their customers only when they want to sell again. This is the reason why mastering … Read more

Why Your Business Needs a Sales Enablement Platform?

As competition in the business world continues to intensify, companies are always looking for ways to improve their sales performance and gain a competitive advantage. One of the most effective strategies to achieve this is by adopting a sales enablement platform. In this blog post, we will explore why your business needs a sales enablement … Read more

Start dominating a small market!

Start dominating a small market! I didn’t say that. I mean originally. Peter Thiel did. In the book “Zero to One”. What does he mean by that? You should not aim for a large market in the first instance. Instead, focus on a small market and try to dominate that market before you attempt a … Read more

How to get 1000 likes & 100 comments?

How to get 1000 likes and 100 comments in a matter of 4 hours, on LinkedIn: Post, Some crap with a photo. Something that has no proof or no way of checking if it’s true. Cat photos, preferably GIF. Talk about stuff that’s hard to believe. Kindle emotions of people. Something that went viral few … Read more

The strategy used by a competitor….

My competitor sold more than I did. Do you know why? In the initial days of my sales career, I sold antivirus software. For a year, we had product specialization at our company. I specialized on AV. [That was not my choice but my manager’s.] The whole market was mine to take. No account restrictions. … Read more

No Anti-marketing please!

I saw a blog post on medium by a Marketplace software vendor. The post talked about the 5 top marketplace software. What? Yes. I thought the author would place their own company as the 5th alternative. But to my shock, it was listed as the first option. 🙂 The author listed the other vendors. She … Read more

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