The Role of Social Listening in Effective Marketing Strategies

Introduction: In today’s digital age, successful marketing campaigns rely heavily on social listening. This powerful tool allows brands to monitor and analyze online conversations about their products or services. By actively listening to what their customers and prospects are saying, brands gain valuable insights that shape their marketing strategies. First and foremost, social listening helps … Read more

10 Ways to Differentiate Yourself from Competitors and Stand Out in a Crowded Market

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, it’s important to differentiate yourself from your competitors to stand out and attract more customers. Here are some ways you can differentiate yourself from your competitors: Focus on your unique selling proposition (USP) Your unique selling proposition (USP) is what sets you apart from your competitors. It’s the reason … Read more

How to resolve issues & make them happy?

I attended a masterclass last evening. The learnings are for a lifetime. Here’s the deal: Never speak when your customer speaks. It’s rude/impolite & doesn’t serve any purpose. Watch your tone when you speak. Don’t assume things. Don’t ever say that you understand their problems when you have firmed up your mind not to resolve … Read more

Start dominating a small market!

Start dominating a small market! I didn’t say that. I mean originally. Peter Thiel did. In the book “Zero to One”. What does he mean by that? You should not aim for a large market in the first instance. Instead, focus on a small market and try to dominate that market before you attempt a … Read more

Startup acquisition!

I was interested in watching a particular movie on Prime video. Do you know why? The only reason was that it was about starting a business & scaling it up like crazy. Moreover, it was a true story. As usual, I checked the IMDb rating [not that I am a fan of imdb]. But I … Read more

SaaS recommendation platforms!

Why can’t elephants use computers? I will come to that in a bit. But before that, I must tell you about my recent experience while buying a high value product. I didn’t read the reviews from other customers before buying the product. I paid the price for it, quite literally & figuratively as well. It … Read more

Prime Day Sale & Big Saving Days!

I am sure you know about the upcoming Prime Day Sale & Big Saving Days. I had earlier written a post about why competitors are found next to each other or why do they have a sale around the same time. In case you missed that post, here is the link: But in this post, … Read more

The strategy used by a competitor….

My competitor sold more than I did. Do you know why? In the initial days of my sales career, I sold antivirus software. For a year, we had product specialization at our company. I specialized on AV. [That was not my choice but my manager’s.] The whole market was mine to take. No account restrictions. … Read more

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