SaaS recommendation platforms!

Why can’t elephants use computers? I will come to that in a bit. But before that, I must tell you about my recent experience while buying a high value product. I didn’t read the reviews from other customers before buying the product. I paid the price for it, quite literally & figuratively as well. It … Read more

Upcoming Cloud Technology!! :)

Let’s assume you are a #Cloud Expert. But I bet, you haven’t heard of this at all. Even #GoogleCloud, #AWS, #DigitalOcean, #MicrosoftAzure or #AlibabaCloud don’t know about this. What I am about to tell you, is going to blow your mind. Put on your safety belt. Upcoming #Techincloud: 1. Cumulus clouds 2. Contrails 3. Altostratus … Read more

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