Closing Deals Faster with Close CRM: A Salesperson’s Toolkit

Introduction In the fast-paced world of sales, time is of the essence. Every second counts and the ability to close deals quickly can make all the difference in achieving your sales targets. That’s where Close CRM comes into play, serving as an invaluable toolkit for sales professionals. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Close … Read more

The Rise of Micro-Moments: Seizing Opportunities in Real-Time Marketing

Introduction: In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are finding innovative ways to engage their target audience. One strategy that has gained significant traction is capitalizing on the rise of micro-moments through real-time marketing. These micro-moments are fleeting instances when consumers reflexively turn to their devices for quick answers or solutions. By recognizing and responding to … Read more

Creating Irresistible Offers: The Key to Closing More Sales

The Key to closing more sales is to create irresistible offers. How By following these strategies and continually fine-tuning your irresistible offers, you’ll close more sales, increase customer loyalty, and watch your business thrive. Remember, the key lies in understanding your audience and delivering valuable solutions that they can’t resist. Happy Selling!

The strategy used by a competitor….

My competitor sold more than I did. Do you know why? In the initial days of my sales career, I sold antivirus software. For a year, we had product specialization at our company. I specialized on AV. [That was not my choice but my manager’s.] The whole market was mine to take. No account restrictions. … Read more

Match the speed of your Prospect!

I was patiently waiting at a clients place to sell a particular software, let us call “Product A”. I knew before-hand that I am likely to meet a foreigner, a Brit working in India. And I was there to solve an urgent problem. That was a UK company into oil exploration & drilling on the … Read more

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