What are your Goals for 2019?

Choose from the options below:   1. To be a good parent. 2. To read more books. 3. To make more money. 4. To spend more time with family. 5. To visit new places. 6. To help as many people as possible. 7. To be good in thoughts and actions. 8. To get fit, to … Read more

The Road Less Stupid !! – book by Keith Cunningham

How to get what you want: Write down your major daily outcomes every day. Plan your day before it starts. Be accountable to someone for your plans, commitments and results. This is the Summary of the book “The Road Less Stupid” by Keith Cunningham. Summary Credit: Jeff Hotz #successtips #keithcunningham #roadlessstupid  

Create Content else Curate Content!!

Today Customers are better informed than the Sales people themselves. They do all the homework before calling you for a discussion. Content is King, as they say. And Marketing is the new Sales. Though it can never replace Sales, Digital Marketing & Inbound marketing is a given. And businesses need to invest in it. So, … Read more

Your Greatest Weakness is Your Greatest Strength!

Sales People are by far the only ones who do not stop learning. Yet they feel inadequate and identify areas of improvement. And continuously they upgrade, refine & groom themselves. Your Greatest Weakness is Your Greatest Strength! Identify your Greatest Weakness / your business’ Greatest Weakness and you will be on your way to achieving … Read more

Sales is not a sprint but a marathon!!

I happened to watch a portion of a documentary on marathon running. What I learnt is that it calls for more preparation than what is required for a sprint. Endurance is key for a marathon. While speed and agility are important for a Sprint, one should save energy and stay in the game at a … Read more

VC 101 – A Primer on Seeking Funds for your Business!

For the Budding Entrepreneurs out there: In any Industry there are both Good and Not So Good Players. And Funding Companies/Investors/VCs Community are not an exception. You should know to separate the wheat from the chaff. I am saying this from my own recent personal experience. Ideas are Important. Without ideas, money can get nowhere. … Read more

America, August, Apple, Amazon – A’s & the Aces!

You must have read the news, I am sure. Apple became the first $ 1 Trillion company in terms of market valuation in August this year, followed by Amazon, the second $ 1 Trillion company. What makes Apple & Amazon tick? One thing I am sure, they are focused on Customer Experience & making lives … Read more

An Interior Designer & his marketing strategies!

I met an Interior Designer and asked him what are his marketing strategies to attract new business. He & his team take up the interior designing of apartments, villas & offices. How does he get new clients? In other words, what are his marketing strategies to attract new clients? I also asked him how he … Read more

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