Create a fast paced business climate!

I had just then begun to settle down in Mumbai. I started liking the place & the food. I fell in love with the business climate more than anything else. What were the reasons for the fast pace in business? In one word: Prospecting. A forced one, that is. Due to lack of time. You … Read more

How I landed my first job…

That was 1992. Landed up in Chennai after my Engg graduation. Took up a Scholarship exam conducted by NIIT. Those days, if you were not studying at NIIT, you were missing something. Got 50% scholarship for 1 year course. Paying them back with this post now. 🙂 NIIT didn’t sell software courses then. They sold … Read more

My advice to a Job Seeker!!

Recently received a connection request on LinkedIn. He wanted help with his job search. My response: Hi, There are a number of companies that are hiring SAP BW. A sample list: Fractal, SAP, CGI, Infosys, IBM, Intel, Siemens Healthineers, CapGemini, Novo Nordisk, Atos Syntel & Bosch are looking at hiring people like you. I moved … Read more


Breathe in. Breathe out. Do it mindfully. Slowly. Your day is now going to be remarkable. Doing anything mindfully is nothing but #meditation. Experts say that the #highperformers meditate for at least 10 minutes everyday. That was a dense forest. The leader wanted a successor. He held competitions. Two men emerged. Both were equals. If … Read more

LinkedIn Tip: How to network!

If you want to connect with someone you don’t know, here is a tip: First follow them. They will get a notification that you followed them. They will look at your profile and if they are interested, they will follow you back. If they follow you back, you know they are interested. Now, you can … Read more

Personal Branding!

Introduction #JeffBezos says: “Branding is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Personal Branding is very important in Sales! Whether you are an individual/a business, personal branding/branding is important. Some pointers to get you thinking: 1. How do you want to be perceived? 2. What should people remember when they think … Read more

War for Talent!!

That was an Oil & Gas Engg Co., They called their employees & their families for a get together. What’s special about it, you ask. Hang on. I’ll answer that. Companies are now doing such events to build a strong sense of belonging & culture. You will find fun events for everyone in the family. … Read more

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